Sunday, February 28, 2010

Grateful to Bob Burg and John David Mann

Recently I finished reading "The Go-Giver", by Bob Burg and John David Mann, after finally getting to it in my pile of books I intend to read. Rather than go on to the next book waiting for me I immediately ordered their newest book, "Go-Givers Sell More" and began reading it the day it arrived by mail. I have read a lot of wonderful books and do not normally comment on or review them. I haven't finished the second book, yet I want to share some thoughts as these books immediately came to mind when I sat down to write today.

Like most people I have been in sales all my life, whether I knew it or not. It wasn't until I was in my early 30's, which was quite some time ago, that I got into selling as a profession. That was when I started selling real estate, which I did happily and successfully for many years. In all that time I always wanted the best for my customers, clients and business partners. I learned early on that by focusing on the other person and their needs I was actually taking pressure off myself and I would be a lot less nervous on presentations and in negotiations.

After reading "The Go-Giver" I was thrilled to see The Five Laws Of Stratospheric Success so beautifully told through a wonderful story that is easy to read. The lessons of each law are experienced through Joe, who starts out as a go-getter and becomes a Go-Giver by the end of this wonderful little story.

As I am in the early years of a new selling profession, in network marketing, it is with great pleasure that I read these two little books. I am reminded of the purity of selling which I have always thought of as helping people get enough information in order to make a good buying decision. I am learning there are so many more ways I can help people get what they want and that I can do even better than I have in the past. By giving to others, in ways I had not actually thought of, I can help even more people in many more ways. I am inspired by the following quote from "Go-Givers Sell More": "Selling is giving: giving time, attention, counsel, education, emapthy, and value. In fact, the word sell comes from the Old English word sellan, which means - you guessed it - "to give."

Helping others has always given me a joyful high. Helping them get what they want even from a competitor, will now also be a joyful experience. Just this week I was talking to a friend about a product I sell. She said it sounded great but she hadn't shopped it yet for pricing. To make it easier for her I narrowed down the field, and her potential effort, by giving her the name of the only other company I could think of that could possibly give her the same quality. I had never done that before. It felt great!

Thank you Bob Burg and John David Mann. I am grateful to be able to read your two Go-Giver books and add value to others as a result. Thank you for the wonderful work that you two are doing together to make the world a better place to be. You make a difference!

With gratitude and admiration,