Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wild about Wild Bill!

May I share my gratitude for the same person two days in a row? Absolutely! I could write about the gratitude I have for my wonderful husband every single day of the year! Yes, it's true. Every day of the year!

I have been told that we, Wild and I as a couple and Wild and I as individuals, are just too positive to be believable. I presume their question would be: How can you two be so happy all the time? Perhaps they wonder what we're really like behind closed doors. Well, the truth is we're pretty much like we are in public, except sometimes we don't look as good. That's because we are so comfortable being comfortable with each other. I am filled with gratitude to be living with a man that loves me exactly as I am, no matter what that might look like at the moment.

We are fortunate that both if us are willing, and able, to dig deep and explore whatever is going on with each of us and as a couple. We have long conversations, always starting the day with one, and often sit in our living room like two friends that are catching up after an absence. I am so thankful that each of us is willing to give the other our best, that is, the best we can do at any particular moment. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would actually experience a relationship, let alone a marriage, like this one.

Yes, we sometimes get a bit cranky and we know when to give each other space. We are always willing to talk it out and stay current with each other. I am often amazed at how kind my husband is, not just with me but with everyone he meets, especially kids and people needing any type of help. I love who I am with this beautiful, kind, funny man I am so grateful to share my life with!

With love and gratitude to my dear Wild Bill,

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