I am so grateful for being able to accept and embrace change and remain positive in the midst of the stress associated with change. Change is not easy, but like death and taxes it is inevitable!
Some changes are huge and others seem quite small. No matter what the size, any change has the potential to cause us to feel disconnected, stressed out, fearful, scared and even miserable.
The worst change I experienced in the last ten years was from the loss of my husband, Lee Oberbeck, to a heart attack in late 2001, soon after 9/11. While still reeling from the tragedy in New York, I woke up early one morning, while on vacation, to Lee's dieing breaths. It was traumatic to say the least but I kept a cool head, while I was scared out of my mind! I gave him CPR while I was on the phone with 911 and waiting for the ambulance to arrive so that the Paramedics could make him better. Lee was dead by the time the ambulance arrived at the hospital. Even writing this brings back the fear and grief associated with that horrible morning on Maui. My life changed in that instant and a transition was about to begin.
Fast forward to yesterday when I read a message from Chris Lang, yes, that Chris Lang...the Social Marketing whiz kid (my words). He was directing anyone reading his blog to change their email address. I want to thank Chris for being the one that finally said what I needed to hear to do what it takes to go through all the effort needed to have a new email address! He said; Get a real one with your name or business, not one of those silly ones that doesn't identify who you are or what you are about! I paraphrased Chris very badly there but I think you get the idea.
Well, I can't say strongly enough that losing a loved one and changing your email address are two totally different experiences. However, as I have been going from one email provider to another, sending out emails to everyone I have in my address book and reading responses from two different sets of emails along with all the other things I am doing right now...Well, I find it to be stressful and challenging! So, as I said at the beginning, I am grateful to be able to handle stress in a positive way. Yet, stress is stress and there is a feeling to it that is unmistakable and unpleasant. I am being reminded of that now.
If you are feeling challenged by anything in your life, whether it is as bad as the loss of a loved one or as simple as changing an email address...I want you to know that I feel sympathy and empathy for you.
With love and gratitude,
Thank you for the heartfelt comments about change. They are very fitting in these uncertain times and for me, personally, quite apropos. As always, you are a motivator and leader and I look forward to many more of your blogs!