I am incredibly grateful for Project Purpose which is almost one third of the way into the 90 day program.
Our coach and leader for this project, Patti Roney, has gently and powerfully allowed each of the 750 of us that have commited to the project to grow and stretch. I have experienced new ways to express gratitude, joy, forgiveness, giving and purpose which all seem to expand throughout my body mind and spirit! Thank you Patti for your loving leadership!
Each morning before we get out of bed my husband and I spend about 15 minutes recounting to ourselves the many things we are grateful for. With a champaign flute of REV3, to toast the gratitude ceremony with, we have the perfect start to our day! I have found that by being consciously in gratitude, at least once in every 24 hour period, it is almost impossible to be angry, down, negative, depressed, hostile or any othe emotion or way of being that is at all negative. By being in a state of gratitude so frequently it is so much easier to appreciate every little blessing and also be in a state of abundance, harmony, love and freedom. WOW! There really is something to this! Even after the 90 day project is complete I will continue to take the time each and every day to be grateful for all that I have.
In addition I am taking the Landmark Education series and tonight is week #2 of ten of the Landmark Forum in Action Seminar series. The Landmark Forum, a few weeks back, was a wonderful transformational time of insight into "rackets", mine in particular! I had no idea what a racket was and certinally didn't imagine that I actually had one...what could possibly be my racket? Well, I now know of at least one and suspect there are more! In the interest of perhaps helping someone else I am going to put myself out there and risk sharing it with you.
First of all I would like to say that many years ago I had decided that I would rather be "happy than right"... so I have practiced that ever since. Well imagine my shock when I realized that underneath my conscious level I was still needing to be right. Yep, that's my racket! I have been doing it without even realizing it by my frequent thoughts and attitude that people didn't;
-RSVP to parties
-Do what they agreed to do
-Keep appointments
-Show up a agreed
Or they complained about something and didn't do anything to fix it like;
-Have poor health and still eat poorly, never exercise and smoke
-Are overweight and still keep eating processed and fast food on a daily basis
-They're always broke and they spend money they don't have on things they don't need
I think you get the idea! Well, now that I know what my racket is I can see it clearly whenever it shows up. I also have realized that it creates a lens in which we see the world around us. What my racket gives me is the opportunity to be right while others are wrong. That is not what I want in my life. In fact it also keeps me distanced from people and makes it hard to create loving connections with all the people I care about. Whew! That is huge and I am doing whatever I can to offset that by being as open, authentic and compassionate as I can be.
So, what is your racket? Get yourself to a Landmark Education meeting and you will discover it! Landmark has been around for a long time and these people know how to help you live a better, more joyful, loving, authentic, happy life!
I am so blessed and grateful to be able to attend Landmark in order to peel a few more layers off the onion so that I can be the best light I can in the world. With Patti's Project Purpose happening along with the Landmark series I am getting so fine-tuned that I am bursting at the seams with purpose, joy, gratitude and love!
With love and gratitude,
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