I am feeling deep gratitude for my friend Simon U Ford and Social Traffic a very rare find too!
I call Simon a friend because I know that I can count on him. I can count on him being honest and transparent. I can count on him to honor his word, even if there is an unfortunate glitch in the system he will make sure that you get what you bargained for! I can count on his integrity, he has proved that he will do what he says he will do. I can count on his honesty, he says it like it is and makes no apologies for being honest. You always know where he stands, what he wants and what he expects. There is no guessing with Simon. That is why Simon has a powerful network of committed and passionate followers. Because people will gladly follow a Leader that they can count on and trust that has a vision worth following!
For the past three months I have taken an online social networking course through Simon's Social Traffic Inc. I was in, what will always be known as, Wave #1...the very first class and the guinea pigs for the course. Wave #2 and Wave #3 soon joined in as the weeks went on. I was keenly aware that we were breaking new ground, with Simon as the leader, and I happily followed whenever he gave us an assignment. As time went on the group got smaller, more efficient and much more committed.
In addition to many other accomplishments, we managed to beat Google at their own game on Youtube! As we each did our part in helping Simon's "Google Friend Connect" video rise to Number One replacing Google's very own videos on the subject, we all cheered and continued to do whatever Simon asked of us. It was an exciting time as we, all former strangers from all across the globe, came together as a single minded force to follow where ever Simon led us. I trusted him by instinct. Most of us found him and became interested after following him for many months prior to the start of the course on his Blog, http://www.socialtraffic.biz/ where we got to read how this man thinks and what he values. As time has gone on the Blog has grown and yet the story of Simon U Ford and Social Traffic is all in there for the interested to peruse.
My course is now completed and I am ready to move on. (Except for two sessions that Simon is still creating. He will let me know about them when they are ready. That is the type of person he is...a man of honesty and integrity.) I learned so much from Simon and all of the many friends I have made that became a part of Social Traffic...not just about the Internet and social marketing but also about our Mother Earth and the importance of Earth Day...Everyday! I do not want to lose these wonderful heartfelt connections. So Simon, count me in for Earth Day 2010 and I will be bringing along my ten friends who will agree to find ten friends who will also agree to find ten friends...
Who would like to step up and be named as one of my ten friends that I can count on for next year's 40th Earth Day Celebration? You can then start looking for your ten also and we will be ready to rock and roll next year!
With gratitude, respect and admiration,
WoW! Dyann, that was very inspirational.
ReplyDeleteDyann, Your integrity comes through with depth and great beauty - thank you sharing and showing a soft and open side to yourself